
This version of the SDK has been superseded by the latest release of the SDK.

Using FFmpeg

This page documents how to use FFmpeg with the AMD AMA Video SDK.


FFmpeg is an industry standard, open source, widely used utility for handling video. FFmpeg has many capabilities, including encoding and decoding of all video compression formats, encoding and decoding of audio, encapsulating, and extracting audio, and video from transport streams, and many more. The AMD AMA Video SDK includes an enhanced version of FFmpeg, version n4.4, which communicates with the hardware accelerated transcode pipeline.

It is not within the scope of this document to provide an exhaustive guide on the usage of FFmpeg. Various resources can be found online, for example:

The following sections describe the options used with FFmpeg to configure the various hardware accelerators available on an MA35 device.

Example Commands

A simple FFmpeg command for accelerated transcoding with the AMD AMA Video SDK will look like this one:

ffmpeg -hwaccel ama -hwaccel_device /dev/ama_transcoder0 -c:v h264_ama -i infile.mp4 -c:v hevc_ama -b:v 1000K -r 60 -f mp4 -y transcoded.mp4

There are many other ways in which FFmpeg can be used to leverage the video transcoding features of an MA35 device. Examples illustrating how to run FFmpeg for encoding, decoding, and transcoding with or without ABR scaling, video composition and ML are included in FFmpeg tutorials.

General FFmpeg Options

General FFmpeg Options



Input video URI.
Specify the video codec
This option must be set for any video stream processed on an MA35 device.
Valid decode values are vp9_ama, h264_ama, hevc_ama, and av1_ama for VP9, H.264, HEVC, and AV1, respectively.
Valid encode values are h264_ama, hevc_ama, and av1_ama for H.264, HEVC, and AV1, respectively.
The frame size (WidthxHeight). For example 1920x1080 or 3840x2160.
The container format.
The frame rate in fps (Hz).
Used for frame filtering operation.
Global option used to specify on which MA35 device the FFmpeg job should run. Consult Using Explicit Device IDs for more details on how to use this option. Valid values are positive integers in [0..N-1] range. Default is device 0.
Specify DMA direction. Valid options are hwdownload and hwupload, for DMA transfer of data to and from the host, respectively. Note that transaction directions are with respect to the host.


Detailed help for encoder, decoder and scaler is obtained through FFmpeg extended help, e.g. ffmpeg -h encoder=h264_ama, ffmpeg -h decoder=hevc_ama or ffmpeg -h filter=scaler_ama.

The following conventions are used in the following tables:

  1. When parameters can be specified as both numerical and string values, they are noted as:

    (<number>) <string>

    Conversely, when this is not the case, options are noted with Roman numerals as:

    <Roman numeral>) <option>
  2. auto or -1 note that values are selected by the SDK to optimally meet the specified constraints.

Video Decoding

For the complete list of features and capabilities of the AMD AMA Video SDK decoder, refer to Release Notes chapter of the documentation.

The table below describes all the options for the AMD AMA Video SDK decoder.

Video Decoding Options



Decoder output pixel format
Valid global values for pixel format: nv12, p010le, packed10, rgbp, yuv420p, and yuv420p10le.
Note that an identical pixel format must be specified as value to format option, within -vf. See Decode Only for an example.
Enable/Disable single frame level decode
When enabled, the decoding latency of streams not containing any B frames is reduced. This option has no impact on streams that include B frames.
Valid values: 0 or 1. (default is 0)
(0) disable - default
(1) enable

Video Encoding

For the complete list of features and capabilities of the AMD AMA Video SDK encoder, refer to Release Notes chapter of the documentation.

The table below describes all the options for the AMD AMA Video SDK encoder.

Video Encoding Options



Specify the video bitrate
You can specify this in Mb or Kb. For example -b:v 1M or -b:v 1000K.
Maximum bitrate
Valid values: 0 to 3.5e+10
You may want to use this to limit encoding bitrate if you have not specified a -b:v bitrate
Default value -1 implies unspecified.
GOP size
Valid values: 0 to UINT32_MAX
Default value is -1, implying 2[s] gop duration, i.e., twice the frame rate
Encoding level restriction
Valid values for H.264: 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 3, 3.1, 3.2, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 5, 5.1, 5.2 6, 6.1, 6.2
Valid values for HEVC: 1, 2, 2.1, 3, 3.1, 4, 4.1, 5, 5.1,5.2, 6, 6.1, 6.2
Valid values for AV1: 2, 2.1, 3, 4, 4.1, 5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3
Default value is auto.
Set the encoding profile
Valid values for H.264: baseline, main, high
Valid values for HEVC: main, main-intra, main-10 and main-10-intra
Valid values for AV1: main
Default value is auto.
Set the encoding tier (AV1 and HEVC only)
Valid values: -1, 0, 1
(-1) auto
(0) main
(1) high
Default value is auto
Rate control (VBV) buffer size
Valid values: -1, 400M [bits] (default is -1)
(-1) For auto selection
This option is ignored unless:
1) lookahead_depth is 0 (ULL)
2) control_rate is CBR
3) Encoder is set to one of h264_ama, hevc_ama or av1_ama Type 2
Value 0 implies strict ULL, whereas, larger values imply relaxed ULL. See Latency Adjustment.
Constant Rate Factor
Valid values: 0, 1 (default is 0)
(0) disable - default
(1) enable
This option uses -qp for its quality assignment.
Note that this option ignores all other options that may impose restrictions on qp values. These include -min_qp, -max_qp, -b:v, and -control_mode.
Quantization Parameter
Valid values for H.264 and HEVC 0-51
Valid values for AV1 0-255
Default value -1 implies not used. Note that if this option is used, it implies Constant QP for -control_rate option.
Number of B frames
Valid values for H.264, HEVC and type-2 AV1: 0-3
Valid values for type-1 AV1: 0-7
Default auto selection value is -1.
Number of frames to lookahead for qp maps
Valid values: -1 to 47+Maximum number of B frames -bf
Lookahead depth of 0 implies ULL mode
Default auto selection value, based on frame rate, is -1.
Enable spatial AQ
Valid values: auto, disable or enable
(-1) auto
(0) disable
(1) enable
Default value is auto.
When qp_mode is uniform, this parameter is ignored and treated as disable.
Scale for spatial AQ gain
Valid values: 0 to 255
(255) For auto selection
Default value for H264, HEVC and AV1 is 64
Default value for type-1 AV1 is 72
Enable temporal AQ
Valid values: auto, disable or enable
(-1) auto
(0) disable
(1) enable
Default value is auto.
When qp_mode is uniform, this parameter is ignored and treated as disable.
Scale for temporal AQ gain
Valid values: 0 to 255
(255) For auto selection
Default value for H264, HEVC and AV1 is 80
Default value for type-1 AV1 is 0
QP control mode
Valid values: auto, relative_load and uniform.
(0) auto for best VQ
(1) relative_load implying both spatial and temporal AQ
(2) uniform meaning no AQ
Default value is auto.
Set the rate control mode
Valid values: -1 to 4
(-1) auto
(0) const_qp for Constant QP
(1) cbr for Constant Bitrate
(2) vbr for Variable Bitrate
(3) cvbr for Capped Variable Bitrate
(4) cabr for content adaptive bit-rate
See RC Mode Table for details.
Default value is auto.
Minimum QP value allowed for rate control
Valid values for H264 and HEVC: 0 to 51
Valid values for AV1: 0 to 255
Default auto selection value is -1.
This option has no effect when -control_rate is set to Constant QP (0).
Maximum QP value allowed for rate control
Valid values for H264 and HEVC: 0 to 51
Valid values for AV1: 0 to 255
Default auto selection value is -1.
QP Offset for I Frames
Valid values: -51 to 51
Auto selection mode is -1.
Default 0.
QP Offset for B or P Frames
Valid values: -51 to 51
Auto selection mode is -1.
Default 0.
This option has no effect when -control_rate is set to Constant QP (0).
Force insertion of IDR frames
Valid values: 0, 1 (default is 1)
(0) disable
(1) enable - default
Encodes all the intra frames as IDR
Select a slice to run an encode job
Valid values if xrmd is not used are: 0, 1 (default is 0). If xrmd is active and this option is not set, xrmd will make the slice selection.
Enable tuning video quality for the best objective metrics
This option optimizes the encoder for the selected tuning metric. See Tuning Video Quality for details.
Valid values: 1 to 4 (default is 1)
(1) vq - default
(2) psnr
(3) ssim
(4) vmaf
Applicable to AV1 encoders only
Valid values: 1 or 2.
i) 1 - default
ii) 2
Default value is 1.
Consult the AV1 Selection section for more details on how to use this option.
Encoder VQ-Density preset
Valid values: fast, medium or slow. (default is medium)
(fast) Allows for increase in total throughput from 4kp60 to 4kp75 , when 2 or more channels are used. Does not apply to AV1 -type 1 encoding. Not applicable under ULL setting. Note lower VQ than medium preset is to be expected.
(medium) Full density with medium VQ - default
(slow) High VQ at lower density. Applicable to 10 bit contents only.
Consult the Tuning Video Quality section for more details on how to use this option.
Enable dynamic GOP
Valid values: -1, 0 or 1.
(-1) auto
(0) disabled
(1) enable
Default value is auto.
Dynamic configuration file
Path to dynamic file location (default is empty)
Consult the Dynamic Encoder Parameters section for more details on how to use this option.
AV1 Type 1 Cores
Valid values: 1 or 2
i) 1 - default, with minimum resolution of 176x144 or 144x176, and aggregate rate of 4kp60
ii) 2 - minimum resolution of 720x720, with with aggregate rate of 4kp120, in ULL mode
Look ahead depth in milliseconds
Valid values: 0 to 60000
Default auto selection value, based on frame rate, is -1.
Disable low latency B frames
Valid value: 1
Value 1 ensures that the generated GOP has a homogeneous structure. See GOP Composition.

The following table describes relevant parameters that are applicable to each RC mode

RC Mode Options

RC Mode

Allowed Options


Constant QP
-qp <QP>


Constant Bit Rate
-b:v <Bit Rate> (ABR mode)
-b:v <Bit Rate> -max_bitrate <Bit Rate> (CBR mode)
-b:v <Bit Rate> -bufsize 0 ULL mode


Variable Bit Rate
-b:v <Bit Rate>


Constrained Variable Bit Rate
-b:v <Bit Rate> [-min_qp <QP> | -max_qp <QP> | -max_bitrate <max_bitrate>]


Constant Rate Factor
-crf 1 -qp <QP>


Content Adaptive Bit Rate
-b:v <Bit Rate>

Video Scaling

The AMD AMA Video SDK hardware scaler is leveraged in FFmpeg by using the scaler_ama complex filter and the FFmpeg filter graph syntax. This section describes the options of the scaler_ama complex filter.


Filter implementing the AMD AMA Video SDK ABR multiscaler. Takes one input and up to 16 output streams. The complete list of options is described below.

Multiscale Filter Options



Specify the number of scaler outputs
Valid values are integers between 1 and desired number of outputs.
Specify ABR ladder rungs <1>*<16>(WxH|Rate|Format)
List of up to 16 tuples of form (Resolution|Rate|Pixel Format). Note that no spaces are allowed before or after |.
Valid values for resolution: 176x144 to 3840x2160 - default 1920x1080
Valid values for frame rate: half and full - default full, where full refers to the incoming frame rate and half to the half of the incoming frame rate. Note that the first entry in this option must be full rate.
Valid global values for pixel format: nv12, p010le, packed10, rgbp, yuv420p, and yuv420p10le
Specify the crop area
Filter chain of form out_res=(WXH|Rate|Pixel Format):crop(W|H|x|y), where x and y specify the coordinates of crop on 0,0 top-left coordinate system.
Enable pipelining to improve performance
Valid values: 0 and 1 (default 1)
(0) disable
(1) enable - default
Note that enabling this option adds 2 frames worth of latency to the pipeline.

2D Engine GPU

The AMD AMA Video SDK 8-bit 2D GPU is leveraged in FFmpeg by using the 2d_ama complex filter and the FFmpeg filter graph syntax. This section describes the options of the 2d_ama complex filter.


Filter implementing the AMD AMA Video SDK 2D GPU. Performs various 2D operations such as color space conversion, tiling, etc., via the accelerated engine without relying on the host CPU.

2D Engine GPU Options



Specify number of inputs
Valid values 1 to INT_MAX
Default is 2
Specify 2D GPU
Valid values are:
i) rotate for multiples of 90 degree rotations
ii) csc for color space conversion
iii) subsample for pixel subsampling
iv) overlay for video overlay
v) tile for tiling operation
Default is none
Specify execution core
Valid values 0 to 1
Default is 0
Specify multi-video exit condition
Force termination when the shortest input terminates
Valid values true or false
Default false
Specify the width of video
Valid values 0 to 7680
Default is sum of input widths
Specify the height of video
Valid values 0 to 7680
Default is sum of input heights
Specify layout options
Specified as NxM, where N*M <=32

In the following table if default value is not specified, it implies none.

GPU Specific Options




Specify rotation options
rotation valid values are 90, 180 and 270


Specify color space conversion options
csc valid values are rgb2yuv and yuv2rgb


Specify 4:2:2 to 4:2:0 conversion
No options


Specify overlay options
x horizontal position 0 to 7680
y vertical position 0 to 7680
Note that inputs to this plugin must have the same frame rate. Use -r to enforce this.


Specify tiling operation
No options

Video Machine Learning

This section describes various video ML complex filters of AMA SDK that are utilized using FFmpeg filter graph syntax. Note that supported ROI models are 1080p in landscape mode, 720p in both landscape and portrait modes.

Inference Engine

The AMD AMA Video SDK ML inference engine is leveraged in FFmpeg by using the ml_ama complex filter.


Filter implementing the AMD AMA Video SDK ML inference engine that executes against a supplied rgbp input and detects face or text classes. Its output is used by downstream components in the pipeline.

Inference Engine Options



Specify engine model
Valid value roi
Model specific arguments
Valid values for roi: type=face and type=text
i) type=text - for text detection VQ improvements
ii) type=face - for face detection VQ improvements
Specify engine number
Valid values: range -1 to 3 or none
i) If xrmd is enabled, this will be selected automatically
ii) If xrmd is disabled, and core_id is set to -1, then one of 0 to 3 cores will be selected
ii) Otherwise, value in 0-3 range will be selected
Specify number of inputs
Valid value: 1
Default 1

ROI Scaler

The AMD AMA Video SDK ROI scaler is leveraged in FFmpeg by using software plugin roi_scale_ama complex filter.


Filter implementing the AMD AMA Video SDK ROI scaler engine that executes against a supplied rgbp input and output of ml_ama. This engine generates metadata used by downstream encoder within the pipeline.

Scaler Options



Specify cutoff threshold
Valid value range 0-100000
Default 5000
0-100% range is mapped to 0-100000, e.g., 5.67% is represented as 5670, and is used as shut off threshold for detected ROI regions. That is, if the percentages of detected ROI regions is above cutoff, then ROI directed encoding is disabled..
Specify probability-to-QP conversion gain factor
Valid values are low, normal, and high
Default is normal
Providing high value generates higher QP modulation that signals to encoder to spend more bits on the associated block.
Specify number of inputs
Valid values: range 2 to 4
Default 2
Specify probability-to-QP mapping
Valid values are dqp, roi, dqp_and_roi
Default dqp
Specify static map file
Valid value is the path to rgbp map file.
The size of this file is ceil of width and height of incoming video divided by 16, in each dimension.
This file contains values in 0-255 range, for each channel, and servers as the lower boundary of probability-to-QP mapping, i.e., maximum of values in this file and ml_ama is used for QP mapping

ROI Overlay

The AMD AMA Video SDK ROI overlay is leveraged in FFmpeg by using software plugin roi_overlay_ama complex filter.


Filter implementing the AMD AMA Video SDK ROI overlay that overlays shaded probability rectangles on detected classes.

Overlay Options



Specify overlay period
Valid value range 0-255
The value toggles overlay rectangles after the specified number of frames.
Specify activation threshold
Valid value range 0-255
Default 128

See ML Based Face ROI and ML Based Text ROI for sample usage.

Rebuilding FFmpeg

Obtain the zipped version of SDK's FFmpeg source code, from Unzip this file into ma35_ffmpeg folder. This folder contains the entire source code for the FFmpeg executable, which is a fork of the main FFmpeg GitHub (release 5.1.2) with AMD plugins patches applied. Due to licensing restrictions, the FFmpeg executable included in the Video SDK is enabled with the AMD AMA Video SDK plugins only.

You can rebuild the FFmpeg executable with optional plugins by following the instructions below. Additionally, comprehensive instructions for compiling FFmpeg can be found on the FFmpeg wiki page.

  1. Make sure libhugetlbfs-dev, nasm and yasm are installed on your machine.

  2. Unzip the downloaded zip file:


and navigate to root folder of the unzipped file.

  1. Execute the following:

    ./configure --disable-alsa --disable-libxcb --disable-libxcb-shm --disable-libxcb-xfixes --disable-libxcb-shape --disable-xlib --disable-libmfx --disable-vaapi --disable-vulkan --prefix=$PWD --disable-stripping --enable-shared --enable-vpe --enable-libxrm --extra-libs="-L/opt/amd/ama/ma35/lib -lvpi -lroi_scale -llog_ama -lxrm -lxrm_interface -lhugetlbfs -lpthread -lstdc++ -lm -ldl -lrt  /opt/amd/ama/ma35/lib/" --extra-cflags="-I/usr/include -I$PWD -I/opt/amd/ama/ma35/include/xrm_interface/ -I/opt/amd/ama/ma35/include/xrm/ -DSUPPORT_OSAL" --extra-ldflags="-Wl,-rpath=$PWD/libavutil:$PWD/libavfilter:$PWD/libavcodec:$PWD/libavformat:$PWD/libavdevice:$PWD/libswscale:$PWD/libswresample:$PWD:/opt/amd/ama/ma35/lib/"
  2. Add any other plugins such as libx264 to the above configure line. (See FFmpeg Compilation Guide for details.) A list of configure options is printed by running configure --help.

  3. Type make -j to build FFmpeg. GNU Make 3.81 or later is required.

  4. Type make install to install all binaries and libraries you built.